The GoldenEye Brazilian Elite Leaders

Here, players are ranked by total records.
If players tie, the player with the most untieds wins the higher rank.

The Record Holders

Click on the difficulty settings to see individual difficulty rankings.

Rank Player Agent Secret Agent 00 Agent Total
1Leonardo Santos20 (12)19 (14)17 (13)56 records (39 untied)
2Rafael Lanfredi8 (0)6 (1)7 (3)21 records (4 untied)
3Vitor Miranda2 (0)0 (0)0 (0)2 records (0 untied)
4Bruno Giacomini0 (0)0 (0)0 (0)0 records (0 untied)
4Denis Akel0 (0)0 (0)0 (0)0 records (0 untied)
4Diogo Azevedo0 (0)0 (0)0 (0)0 records (0 untied)
4Victor Lima0 (0)0 (0)0 (0)0 records (0 untied)

Top 5 Agents

The best Agent players.

Rank Player Records
1Leonardo Santos20 records (12 untied)
2Rafael Lanfredi8 records (0 untied)
3Vitor Miranda2 records (0 untied)
4Bruno Giacomini0 records (0 untied)
4Denis Akel0 records (0 untied)
4Diogo Azevedo0 records (0 untied)
4Victor Lima0 records (0 untied)

Top 5 Secret Agents

The best Secret Agent players.

Rank Player Records
1Leonardo Santos19 records (14 untied)
2Rafael Lanfredi6 records (1 untied)
3Bruno Giacomini0 records (0 untied)
3Denis Akel0 records (0 untied)
3Diogo Azevedo0 records (0 untied)
3Victor Lima0 records (0 untied)
3Vitor Miranda0 records (0 untied)

Top 5 00 Agents

The best 00 Agent players.

Rank Player Records
1Leonardo Santos17 records (13 untied)
2Rafael Lanfredi7 records (3 untied)
3Bruno Giacomini0 records (0 untied)
3Denis Akel0 records (0 untied)
3Diogo Azevedo0 records (0 untied)
3Victor Lima0 records (0 untied)
3Vitor Miranda0 records (0 untied)

Last Updated Saturday, October 06, 2007 at 07:15
Program Copyright © 2004 by Your Eliteness.